
Career in Govt. Sector Library and Information Science

Library and Information Science

The modern society is passing through the phase of information explosion. Information is available in print media such as books, periodicals, newspapers, maps etc. as well as in non-print media such as Compact Disks, phonograph records, films tapes, microforms etc. Management of various types of information is a challenge and a highly scientific task. It was the need to manage the information explosion and hence the library and information centers emerged. That was followed by the emergence of Library and Information Science. Library Science emerged as a discipline only in the end of the 19th century. With increase in micro-literature such as scientific periodicals, patents, theses etc., the new array of techniques emerged which was terms “Documentation”. Next to that, the society is facing the exponential growth of scientific literature, automation and new media of communication (such as Information Communication Technology-ICT). This brought sea change in the outlook of Librarians and Documentalists and more so in the users of information. Thus emerged “Information Science” where “Information” is at the center. We can depict the phase of Library & information science” as follows:
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