
"Walk to the Book - March To the Library" on 12.08.2010 at 8.00am

Dear LIS Professionals,

The Librarians day (Dr.S.R.Ranganathan's Birthday Celebration) is being observed on 12th August, 2010. On the eve His, Excellency the Chancellor of Universities of Karnataka, Shri Hans Raj Bhardwaj is giving Momentum to the run for the library. On the occasion invited literary giants, Academicians and Vice Chancellors to participate in the March and give a message to the society for improvement of reading habit.

Hence all the library professionals of Karnataka have been requested to be present at Rajbhavan on 12.08.2010 at 8.00am to participate in the procession program along with your friends. The event is being organized by all the library associations of Karnataka.

We look forward from your kind support for professional day celebration.

Thank you

With kind regards
on behalf of all library associations

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