
Karnataka’s chances for IIT slim as CABE meets

"BANGALORE: The Central Advisory Board for Education (CABE), the oldest advisory board of education to the Central government, is meeting again on Monday after being revived by the previous Human Resources Development Minister Arjun Singh in February this year. For Karnataka, it will be an opportunity to take the Central government to task for not meeting its demands made around the last time CABE was in session.
At the top of the list is the demand for an IIT in the state. During the previous meeting, Primary and Secondary Education Minister Vishweshwara Hegde Kageri, the state’s representative in the CABE, had made the demand (for an IIT). This demand is however unlikely to be met, as the HRD minister has recently written to Union Law Minister Veerappa Moily that the demand will not be met because of the intense political lobbying from the top politicians of the state."


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